The world wide web is such a great place to gather information and find just about anything you could ever possibly need for your classroom. In fact there is so much information it would be nice if there was a site that you could follow to serve as a guide or informational hub of sorts! That is exactly my purpose for creating this blog. I plan to, as I search the net for information, put all my findings as links so that the hard work is already done for you. You will then just be able to stop by and check out my blog for anything it has to offer you concerning elementary science and new technologies.
I will not waste a moment longer and get right to the good stuff! The following are links to other blogs that serve as excellent resources concerning the topic of elementary science and new technologies. I encourage you to check them out and subscribe if you see what you like.
The Art Of Teaching Science: Issues Related to Science Teaching
This particular blog has great photos and videos in most of its posts and does an excellent job of making information accessible from other sites quickly.
Science-Lessons.CA: Discovering and Exploring Elementary Science
If your looking for games, activities, lesson plans, worksheets, and posts about anything science then this is a super one to visit. It does a really nice job of posting a variety of different topics in all the science areas!
Science Matters: Connecting The Dots in Science Education
This blog is definitely for upper grades but still proves to be a good resource in providing new ideas from the writers point of view.
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